[Newark] Next meeting

Steve Caddy steve.m.caddy at ntlworld.com
Sun Jan 27 18:45:15 GMT 2008

Before I say anything about the next meeting, a few words of thanks to those 
that turned up on Friday to ensure I wasn't sitting on my own. Another fairly 
informal banter session, where we loosely discussed different unix/linux 
platforms and their obvious differences, "do you use vi or emacs?" (some of us 
prefer to use nano/pico it seems) as well as several totally unrelated 
conversations about "programming in the 80s", "programming, is it art?", "how 
to share a dialup internet connection with 11 people via a slackware router", 
and "the first time I saw IRC was via a VT420 serial terminal".

Someone, I can't remember who, because this was after beer consumption, 
suggested the next meeting should be on the last Monday in February, to mix the 
days up a bit, so that those who can't make a Friday are in with a chance of 
attending. Also it might not be so difficult to find a seat!

I suggested a starter topic for the evening - hints and tips for using the 
command prompt. Intentionally very wide scope... I guess that not everyone uses 
bash, and it'd be nice to hear from csh or zsh users if there are any? And if 
you don't know what bash, csh, or zsh are, then the next meeting should prove 
to be an interesting insight. Of course, by the end of the evening we'll 
probably be talking about something else, and if anyone has a burning question 
about something else, then don't feel there won't be time for that - meetings 
aren't that structured!

So to summarize, next meeting is on Monday, 25th February, at the Rose and 
Crown in Balderton, starting at about 8pm, where we'll be talking about the 
command prompt and anything else that's brought up, and quite probably having a 
social drink or several (at least I will be, anyway).


Steven M Caddy, MEng ------------------------------------------------------
"Hardware - the part of the computer you kick when the software fails"
Email: steve.m.caddy at ntlworld.com

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