[Newark] Bring your own Linux to Windows

Craig Lynch c_lynch87 at outlook.com
Tue Apr 10 08:53:14 UTC 2018

As much as one would prefer people try out Linux natively - one understands the trepidation. Why break what's currently working? Especially if something goes wrong during installation (unlikely as that is these days).
Windows Subsystem for Linux is available for people to try out GNU applications without drastically altering their current install of Windows. Effectively, this is more like running GNU/NT rather than GNU/Linux but it does allow a 'foot in the door' so to speak.

For those of us with fingers in both pies WSL has recently gained the ability to import any Linux installation, not just one from their selection.


Not something I intend to try out myself but for people looking to try out the GNU/Linux environment and with no immediate access to other devices, such as Raspberry Pi etc. this seems like a good alternative option until one is ready to 'go native'.


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