[Newark] What I've been working on…

Craig Lynch c_lynch87 at outlook.com
Thu Feb 25 15:50:01 UTC 2021

I figure I should write a little about what I've been working on, Linux
I've tinkered and remixed Luke Smith's LARBS system into something more to my needs.
CARBS, is a barless, dwm based, X11 environment with a few additional
scripts and an additional service in the form of mobile clipboard &
file sync.

I'll let the README tell more:

It is of course, as always, a work in progress.

Also, I've been working on a LED matrix scoreboard, powered by a
Raspberry Pi 3 and Adafruit HAT.
The scoreboard has presence detection to avoid undue wear based on
bluetooth using l2ping.
The main projects used for the scoreboard itself are of course Raspberry
Pi OS Lite and:

It's been fun tinkering with these things, learning a little C and a
little bash along the way.


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