[Nottingham] Wednesday meeting - Networking

Paul Sladen nottingham at mailman.lug.org.uk
Wed Oct 2 16:37:00 2002

On 1 Oct 2002, Lee wrote:
> On Tue, 2002-10-01 at 15:41, Roger Light wrote:
> > 
> > We are meeting in the Chilwell road methodist church in Beeston
> > [...]
> Beeston??  I see....

Nobody's planned a topic/place for next month (October);  so it's still
`vacant' for anyone who wants organise the place/topic.  I think somebody
suggested minging McDonalds (pain for plugging laptops in) and another
person offered their offices (hopefully bandwidth!), think that was in West

Deciding where next months is normally a topic for the pub afterwards, but
people are lazy, so if somebody makes an offer/suggestion and people
drinking more beer until everyone agrees.  [1]

It's the Last Post on the corner of the square 9-9:30;  go to the church
hall and find some geeks if you get stuck;  directions:



[1] This method works on other things too!... (not recommended if driving :)
Nottingham, GB