Re[5]: [Nottingham] xterm key problems

Ross Kirk nottingham at
Fri Aug 1 19:28:00 2003

Hello James,

Thursday, July 31, 2003, 11:13:28 PM, you wrote:

JG> Years ago I seem to remember a similar problem with Exceed, I 
JG> think I fixed it, or got round it at least by doing 

JG> export TERM=vt220

JG> .. a kludge, but it got my cursor keys working.  Of course you
JG> may be experiencing a different problem.

hrmm.. more confusing to say the least.  I tried that and had it
working last night. Now after changing nothing I am having exactly the
same problems no matter what the $TERM is set to.


Ross Kirk
            ICQ: 16966399