[Nottingham] Revolution OS - again!
Michael Erskine
nottingham at mailman.lug.org.uk
Wed Aug 13 08:44:00 2003
Duncan John Fyfe [mailto:djf@star.le.ac.uk] wrote:
> I'd like a show of hands from those interested in seeing Revolution OS
> on the not-quite-so-big screen and ideas on a good date.
I'd very much like to see this -- my prefered date is after Weds 20th
Aug (when I move house).
> I will not be arranging the grand public screening some=20
> people would like but
> thanks to the wonder that is Alex Herington we have access to a room
> with LCD projector where we could do a/several private screening(s).
This is a good plan.
> I recon we could seat <~ 20 people in the room (less in the=20
> current weather).
Fans & wet towels =3D home-built air conditioning!
> We will need to provide:
> A DVD of said film.
> A DVD player connectable to the LCD projector.
> A sound system
> Popcorn
> Given I was igoing to be there I could bring a box with a DVD=20
> player and
> soundcard (sb 4.1) but the speaker assembly is a tad less portable.
> I don't have the DVD either.
> open source popcorn anyone ?
I have a popcorn maker (and plenty of popping corn) -- well, it belongs
to my youngest daughter but she's easily bribed. Plain popcorn is my
personal favourite - I shall look up some recipes for other flavourings
> NB: This will fall outside the regularly scheduled meetings so
> it does not have to be a Wednesday nor the first one of a month.
> I guess it should be an evening though cause I'd rather not=20
> ruin the poor man's
> weekends dragging him back to work.
Evenings for me!
> Have fun,
> Duncan
Michael Erskine
Senior Software Engineer
Jasmin Simtec Limited
(+44)|(0)115 9 165 165