[Nottingham] c++ header files
Steve Bridges
nottingham at mailman.lug.org.uk
Thu Aug 28 14:20:00 2003
I'm in a similar position. I hack perl for money and play with C++ and =
Java for fun.
Basically, iostream.h is the old pre-standards STL headers. To conform =
properly to the standards, most headers are simply a name change, like =
<iostream.h> becomes <iostream>.
You may need a 'using namespace std;' line or put std:: on some =
declarations / calls. I don't think the std namespace was enforced =
properly in the older nonstandard headers.
I spent several frustrating hours searching for STL docs on the net a =
few months back, and here's the best I managed to come up with. Hope it =
Best place for STL stuff that I've found is a combination of the SGI STL =
docs (http://www.sgi.com/tech/stl/) and 'Thinking in C++' by Bruce =
Eckel, which is a well-written free e-book (and proper paper book too if =
you prefer). www.eckelobjects.com has that, plus an excellent Java book =
and several other work-in-progress books.
Also, http://www.cplusplus.com/ref/iostream/ since the SGI one is a bit =
light on iostream stuff.
The obvious dead-tree based one is 'The C++ Programming Language' by =
Bjarne Stroustrup. Make sure you've got a recent edition though. The =
earlier ones had an incredible number of errata. Also, check out =
'Effective C++', 'More Effective C++' and 'Effective STL' by Scott =
Meyer. Very useful and easy to read.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: victor spouge [mailto:vic.spouge@ntlworld.com]
> Sent: 28 August 2003 13:58
> To: nottingham@mailman.lug.org.uk
> Subject: [Nottingham] c++ header files
> Hi to all
> I llike to dabble in c++ and have been programming in this=20
> language on and =20
> off for a few years now.=20
> However now that I'm using suse 8.2 with the GNU compiler=20
> version 3.3 I find=20
> that when I compile programes that use the header files=20
> 'iostream.h and =20
> conio.h' I get the warning message " This file contains one=20
> deprecated or=20
> antiquated header, Please consider using one of the 32=20
> headers found in=20
> Section of the c++ standard."
> My query is where can I get the info about Section
> of the c++=20
> standard
> Many thanks=20
> vic spouge
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