Recording TV onto PC : WAS [Nottingham] Students

BUNTER MATTHEW nottingham at
Fri Jan 10 08:53:00 2003

--- Re=E7u de       VITEUR.BUNTERMA 04 72 96 57 77       10/01/03 09.51


Did you do that by copying the DVDs or did you actually record the
series directly onto the hard drive? If the latter I would love to
know how you did it, what hardware you used, programs etc.

I am trying to figure a way to get parts of a wedding video on VHS
into an mpeg type format (no blackmailing involved I assure you). I
have been quoted several heart attack inducing figures so far.




Date: Fri, 10 Jan 2003 11:33:50 +0000
Subject: Re: [Nottingham] Students

> (usually watching Stargate actually).

I have every episode upto season 4 on my computer - 24Gb in total 8*)


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