[Nottingham] (Mandrake 9.0) Linux security help please

Robert Hart nottingham at mailman.lug.org.uk
Mon Jan 20 23:35:00 2003

On Mon, 2003-01-20 at 20:20, jason wrote:
> Just a thought from a novice...
> > 1: There are a few windows partitions that are automatically mounted and
> > are automatically r/w for all users. How do I make these mounts
> > inaccessible/invisible for one or more users?
> Here's a thought that may be impractical but maybe not?
> The problem with vfat is the inability to set permissions, but that doesn't 
> stop you reducing permissions on the parent directory, so unless I've missed 
> something ( which I probably have ) you could try:

But you can set all the permissions of the entire mount via options on
the mount command line or in /etc/fstab. 

/dev/hdb1   /mnt/d    vfat    defaults,umask=002,gid=100  0  0

Which sets the group id and umask so that only root or members of group
100 can read the partition.