Revolution OS showing (Re: [Nottingham] Hello Everybody!)

Jon Masters nottingham at
Mon Jun 9 15:11:01 2003

On Mon, 9 Jun 2003, Martin wrote:

> Meanwhile, Jon could enjoy a few free beers if the DVD was to do the 
> rounds unsociably.

I am happy enough to lend it to people but we should sort out general
arrangements so that we know when it is needed. This reminds me that
Mr. Kergon still needs to get in touch with me about Oxford people
borrowing it for a screening - you lurking today Alasdair?


P.S. ...and if anyone is an expert with the GNU Linker and able to explain
why it would refuse to not include standard startup files when asked, and
replies to me with said reason then I might have to buy them a tall drink
next meeting.