[Nottingham] OT - developing skills on the mainframe

Alex Tibbles nottingham at mailman.lug.org.uk
Mon Mar 3 11:31:02 2003

> What are the top five things that IBM, companies
> using the mainframe and
> educational establishments could do to entice people
> (such as yourselves)
> into learning the mainframe?
public access mainframe shell accounts for programmers
to learn on? :)
free (electronic) manuals.

I think that once there is a need (i.e. when these
programmers you speak of with 20 years experience
decide it's time to take (early?) retirement) then the
salary will jump and loads of people will jump on the

IBM's effort to run linux of some of their kit should
help in this respect, perhaps.

(I think it was HP who have free accounts for
developers to test the environment on their servers -
not mainframes obviously - can't find it now).


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