[Nottingham] Debian devotion [was: OE Reply Fixer]

James Duncan nottingham at mailman.lug.org.uk
Wed Mar 5 17:23:03 2003

Martin Garton wrote:

>On Wed, 5 Mar 2003, .waffle wrote:
>>I type "apt-get install xfree86" and it gets installed, no questions asked.
>>Sure, Debian has many other redeeming features, but this is surely the
>>greatest? Oh, and yeah, it's free, and maintained by geeks, not corporate
>apt-get used to be only for .deb based distributions, but its long since 
>been ported to rpm. I've been using it in redhat for well over a year.
The difference with debian is that it is designed to be easily 
upgradable from major version to major version via apt/deb, and the 
packages tend to be better quality as they are running through the 
Debian testing process rather then me having to take them from everyone 
and their dog.  The Debian apt repositories also have much, much more 
vendor-tested software then is typically availible for rpm dists.

Plus... it's free as in freedom, free as in not-for-profit, and free 
from commercial perversions.
