[Nottingham] A newbie speaks... nervously

James Duncan James_Duncan8181 at ntlworld.com
Thu Nov 27 20:01:23 GMT 2003

Joe Wrigley wrote:

>>Redhat are giving up producing a Linux distribution, so now may not be
>>the best time to start using it, given the wide range of alternatives.
>They are?
Red hat have publicly said they reccomend Windows for home users and 
have stopped their own retail boxes for the home user market.  This 
leaves you with the Redhat option of updating to Advanced Server ($$$) 
or moving to their new spinoff distro, Fedora.

Fedora is a community based distro (a la Debian) that is using the RH9 
codebase to start from.  This group includes many Redhat coders and 
seems destined to be "unofficially supported".   Redhat have also said 
that they intend it to be a testing ground for them and this means the  
Fedora support cycles are short (6 months).

But yes, basically redhat have withdrawn from the home user market.

James Duncan

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