[Nottingham] Re: The battle of the distros.

Michael Simms michael at tuxgames.com
Wed Oct 1 12:51:07 BST 2003

> Dear All,
> After last month's Battle Of The Distros we have ended up with a
> winner. 


> What now?
> Well now we need the following documentation:
> 1. A full tutorial on how to write a letter in OOo.
> 2. A full tutorial on how to write a simple spreadsheet.

Could these be simply 'how to open them' and select fonts and stuff we
can assume people know how to 'write a letter'?

> 3. A full tutorial on connecting to the Internet.

This should be short, people find this scarey.

> 4. A full tutorial to getting e-mail and stopping spam.

That is going to mean 'setting up procmail' and that is going to scare

> 5. A full tutorial to using IM on Morphix.
> 4. A full tutorial on editing a photo with The GIMP.
> 5. A handy sheet of hints and tips for the use of Morphix.
> 6. Some simple dos and don'ts for keeping a healthy distro.
> 7. A gaming on Linux type guide (I'm sure Michael may have some valuable
> input there :).

Hey! How did you guess {:-)

> Each of the above need to be e-mailed to me ASAP and then we'll make
> sure at least 30 copies of each are printed.

I can help there, I have a nice shiney colour laser. Of course if anyone
can have them run off at work thats better {:-)

> Some high quality marketing-style success stories explaining how Linux
> is used and why.  Think of filling an A3 sheet
> We need some A5 flyers.

Well, I will be bringing to the meeting a few A4 sheets with ads on
them. When we have narrowed it down to 2 or 3, Im going to run off a
couple hundred copies, laminate them, and give them to people to attach
to available surfaces in public areas.

What we will need is for people to voulenteer to put some up in their
area of nottingham. Just 5 or 6 each, and as many different areas as
possible. The night before the event, we put them up, and right after
the event we take them back down. This will require meeting up to
collect the ads before the event, so maybe meet up somewhere in town and
either just collect your ads, or maybe meet at a pub, have some drinks

> We need a final kit list (if you offer off-list I'll collate the
> offers).

One box piled with games will be there. If someone wouldnt mind driving
it up there (I only live a 2 minute drive away from the windmill, but Im
not keen to lug a 17" monitor there on foot).

> We would be grateful for mentions and plugs wherever possible.

Anyone have enough art talent to make me a 468x60 banner, and I'll
display a few thousand on my site. My graphic artist is based in
California so I cant ask her to donate her time, and I dont have the
slightest erg of artist in me {:-)

> About 50 copies of Morphix (I believe the latest release is 0.4) burnt
> on CD.  Also 10-15 copies of SuSE Live Eval 8.2 again on CD.

Not a problem, I already promised that. I am hoping now the distro is
chosen, someone can be clever and do a couple of little nottlug
alterations - say changing the backgrounds and stuff. I like the matrix
as much as anyone, but IMHO it makes us look WAY too geeky for
mainstream public

Michael Simms - CEO, Tux Games

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