[Nottingham] details details

.waffle nottingham at mailman.lug.org.uk
Tue Sep 2 17:30:01 2003

Duncan John Fyfe wrote:
|| For delaying several roundtoits yes but how much use is it going to be
|| for the awareness day ?

Almost none, but if we have say 4 or 5 computers, and nothing to do for 10
minutes, it'd be fun to set up and try out.

|| I've got Knoppix 3.2 (CD) and Debian (DVD) which I was going to bring a

I have Debian DVD and the 3.0r1 update disk as well. I'll bring them in case
of "accidents".

|| I've also been looking at Morphix for some fun - why have a games console
|| when you can provide operating system +  game(s) on a bootable CD (DVD?)
|| boot straight into the game.

Because games consoles can be put next to the TV rather than in the corner
like the PC. Bigger screen and all that. I've never actually had a game
console, but I have invited people round for a game of Sensible Soccer on
the Amiga, which was handy to take to other houses/rooms/TV's.
