[Nottingham] OnStream SC30 OnFire!

Robert Postill robert at grinning-cat.com
Thu Aug 5 13:44:00 BST 2004

Michael Erskine wrote:

>I put the OnStream SC30 SCSI tape drive 
Did you know that the first google result for OnStream SC30 brings up a 
review in www.hothardware.com, you couldn't ask for better irony.  It 
looks like an interesting drive, if the figures are to be believed on 
hothardware.com the drive seems like quite a decent midrange job.  What 
are the cartridges like?  Chunky plastic with no windows are best.  I 
presume they'll be on e-bay quite soon if theres no drive for them...

>I hope I have better luck with the DAT drive I found!
>BTW: top talk last night - thanks Robert.
Me too, love your backups!  Thanks for the O'Reilly goodies, may have to 
get unseemly about that history of programming poster though, couldn't 
see one on amazon.co.uk :(

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