[Nottingham] Solaris

Paul Sladen notlug at paul.sladen.org
Fri Aug 27 13:43:10 BST 2004

On Fri, 27 Aug 2004, Peter Stokes wrote:
> > You've got to love the different syntax for some commands as well. Why have
> > /sbin/shutdown -r now
> > /usr/sbin/shutdown -i 6 -g 0 -y
> My guess is that a lot of the basic commands in Linux will be based on
> BSD as this was commonly used around the late 80's and early 90's.

Yes, this is down to the GNU userland that people commonly use with the
Linux kernel.  Alot of the GNU utilities were written---as you say, in the
1985-1995 timeframe---by university-types by referring to the
documentation they had at hand; in this case, mostly their University Unix
boxes, running a version written by University types (eg. mostly BSD).

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