[Nottingham] Possible beta site?

Bunter Matthew matthew.bunter at renaultvi.com
Wed Feb 4 09:18:54 GMT 2004

-----Message d'origine-----
Simon Osborne wrote:

>> Is there supposed to be a link here, or am I just missing something 
>> else? :P
>> Simon

>Yes.  Isn't humiliation always better in public? ;)
>From an expert in self humiliation (after all just who has a name like BUNTER?) I have to disagree ;-))

>It's on http://jduncan.is-a-geek.org/nlug/

I'm really impressed with this site so far. For those of us who are not up to writing a HOWTO, can I humbly suggest a Tips and Tricks section. I have a few that I have gathered over the few years that I have been torturing Linux. e.g. just a few lines to copy files to a CD, useful netstat commands etc.



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