[Nottingham] XDM, KDM, GDM?!?!?

Incandescant incandescant at lycos.co.uk
Thu Feb 5 00:12:52 GMT 2004


I'm having problems with ?DM's, I was wondering if you might help?

Bit of background

I put Ximian Desktop 2 on my SuSE 9 box a few days ago as I wanted to try Gnome (been using KDEup till now) and
thought that Ximain and SuSE both being part of Novell that XD2 would be the best way forward.

Its a nice Desktop but really only for end-users in an office or similar environment. Nopt for someone who
(although newb) wants to twaek the system, add new packages etc.

So following some tips on a web page (URL on request) I removed XD2 and installed Gnome from Yast2 and then updated
all of the files using Yast's Online Update.

All appeared to go well but I cannot get into Gnome as I get XDM on boot which automagically takers me straight
into KDE.
This sucks as I want to try Gnome and I'd liek to be able to choose my desktop like you can in KDM/GDM.
(Also XDM is ugly :/)

Its late and I'm tired so I may have missed a link on google but I couldnt find anything, can anyone point me in
the right direction or help me out??

Joshua Lock
a.k.a Incandescant

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