[Nottingham] Proxy Default
David Wolfson
eaxdrw at nottingham.ac.uk
Fri Jul 2 14:55:58 BST 2004
Cheers Jay. This sounds more like what I was looking for. I've made enabled the change in the GUI but testing it will have to wait 'til next week now.
knocking off time for students, so have a good weekend ;-)
>>> techr at whatnotts.co.uk 02/07/2004 14:15:41 >>>
David Wolfson wrote:
> Thanks for the responses, but I've still not beein able to achieve what I wanted. Setting the proxy in the gnome configuration works for individual users, but doesn't appear to set a default for all users. Everyone uses mozilla so is there a mozilla default config file that I could edit? I've not looked for this myself yet...
You can set and edit global settings using the GNOME independent Gconf.
(That is what we were using with the GNOME Network Proxy settings on a
per user basis).
An adminstrator can create mandatory settings for all kinds of things.
A detailed description of how to go about this is here:
This is the example given:
[prompt]# gconftool-2 --direct --config-source \
xml:readwrite:/etc/gconf/gconf.xml.mandatory --type string \
--set /system/http_proxy/host wwwproxy.xyz.com
All the key/value pairs for the relevant settings are visible in the
`gconf-editor'. (The easiest way to get to this is to open a terminal
window and type: gconf-editor).
You can extrapolate from this to the other settings you may need such as
`port' and `authentication'.
A little pain never hurt anyone.
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