[Nottingham] Social, tomorrow 07Jul2004

Duncan John Fyfe djf at star.le.ac.uk
Tue Jul 6 10:42:32 BST 2004

The next notlug get together is a social tomorrow night.
As voted for at the last social:

19:00 at Bella Pasta (turning up late is allowed).
        4-5, Angel Row, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG1 6HL

Haranging poor woman by cash machines about GNOME vs KDE:
20:55 ish

Liquid refreshment:
21:00 ish in The Roebuck Inn

NB. As discovered last time The Roebuck has a small outside seating area on the first floor.  If it proves to be a pleasant evening and there be space we may be found there rather than downstairs.

Have fun,

Have fun,

Duncan John Fyfe          X-ray Astronomy Group,
                          Dept. of Physics & Astronomy,
Phone +44 116 252 3635    University of Leicester,
E-mail djf at star.le.ac.uk  University Road,
                          Leicester, LE1 7RH, U.K.

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