[Nottingham] Jobs in Open Source?

Andrew Mason pearl.jam at hotkey.net.au
Sun Jun 6 18:12:11 BST 2004

Quoting David Bean <david at dbean.uklinux.net>:

> On Sun, 2004-06-06 at 17:07, Andrew Mason wrote:
> > Just curious if anyone has had experience in finding Linux or Open Source
> > Software related jobs in Nottingham/UK? So far it seems like my
> > programming/admin experience is moot here. I've been asked no end of times
> for
> > server 2k3 experience, backoffice, VB programming experience etc... but as
> soon
> > as I mention Linux, PHP or even Java the recruiters stare at me with a
> blank
> > look. Am I just looking in the wrong places or doesn't the UK run Linux/OSS
> in
> > corporate environments?
> With Microsoft recommending one Support Technician for 70 users, it just
> creates more jobs. Linux can work more efficiently, so needing fewer
> support personnel. 
> To be quite honest, Linux isn't ready. I've not seen a GNU/Linux
> distribution which has as many of the enterprise features of Windows.

Well we had a 150 users, most running linux desktops, 12 linux servers with a
direct link to the australian tax office (also running suse linux) and
Centerlink (Australian Jobs network..running red hat linux). We were running
debian/slackware but i am sure you can run any distro. 

What features does windows have that you were referring to? 

> The main one being (non-technical) staff already confident in it's use.
> Linux may be cheaper, but the MS Tax is still cheaper than retraining
> every computer user. 
> To sum up, In my opinion, No the UK doesn't run Linux/OSS in 99% of
> corporate environments.... Yet

At least that explains why the recruiters aren't familiar with Linux / OSS. What
would you recommend would be the best way to apply Linux experience to a windows

Andrew M

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