[Nottingham] I expect nothing but abuse...
Peter Chang
Peter.Chang at nottingham.ac.uk
Tue May 4 21:10:57 BST 2004
On Tue, 4 May 2004, David Wolfson wrote:
[snipped grovel]
> In an attempt to escape from the office and work from home I have set
> up an ftp site on a UNIX server at uni to act as a remote filestore.
[snipped ftp based synchronisation]
> First off, I'd like this syncronization to append files rather than
> overwirte them. This should reduce the up/download time as well as
> ensuring I don't overwrite a newer vesrion of the file.
Have you looked at rsync <rsync.samba.org>? There's even Windows clients,
allegedly. It does most things you can think of and then some more.
Compression, recursion, backup, secure tunnelling over ssh, etc.
> I've been able to do this getting files using a windows version of
> wget, but it's "sister" program wput seems unable to log into our
> server.
[snipped wput doesn't work]
May be due to the uni firewall, permissions, etc...
> The second problem stems from this. If I can't get it to work with
> wput, can I write an ftp script that will upload a directory tree,
> without defining that tree first?
Grab a listing from your download and compare with the directory tree when
you want to upload. Process this and write a script with the results. I'm
sure python, perl, any other scripting language should suffice.
> As I say, I'm fully aware that I deserve nothing but waves of derision
> for this post, but any suggetions/solutions would be greatly recived.
Points to derise:
1) completely insecure unless you're using some form of authentification
and encryption.
2) Windows based ;-)
3) not using python or perl which have libraries for an ftp client
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