[Nottingham] SCO Images

Michael Erskine msemtd at yahoo.co.uk
Mon Nov 29 14:48:40 GMT 2004

On Monday 29 November 2004 13:38, Paul Sladen wrote:
> For those who've not seen it, quickly check-out:
>   http://www.sco.com/

It changed back at Twenty to three. Fun while it lasted!

> (It's subtle).  Anyway, the reason I was posting was that a Google Images
> for SCO:
>   http://images.google.com/images?q=sco
> Brings up the Robin-Tux logo third...

With a SCO banner accompaniment (sco-linux.jpg) -- I believe we have the 
grounds for a joint case with SCO against the violators of our respective 
copyrights :) .

Also noted is what looks like... ahem... child pr0nography (sco-virgin.jpg) 
coming in at hit 2!


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