[Nottingham] Introductions

James Ogley james at usr-local-bin.org
Tue Sep 7 22:10:31 BST 2004

Hi Nottingham LUG!

At the end of this month, I'm moving up to Nottingham, and after a
hiatus of about six years or so, I reckon it's time I got back involved
with a LUG (side-track: my word has it really been that long?  The last
real LUG connection I had was trying to breathe life into the old
Lancaster LUG, LILO [Linux In Lancaster Organisation]).  So I thought
I'd say hi in advance.

I'm moving up to train at St John's College in Bramcote, but my
background is in UNIX & Linux.  I used to be Network Manager at SuSE UK,
and more recently have been running the usr local bin project bringing a
decent GNOME install to SuSE, as well as the Planet SuSE blog and news
aggregation.  I potter around in GNOMEy stuff, doing a bit of
translation, bug filing, some bug squashing even when I decide to don my
hacking trousers.

I could ramble on at length really, but if anyone's interested, just
take a look at my website www.rubberturnip.org.uk where you can catch my
blog (although if you read Planet SuSE, it's inevitably syndicated

I look forward to seeing you at a meeting real soon.

James Ogley, Webmaster, usr local bin & Planet SuSE
james at rubberturnip.org.uk www.rubberturnip.org.uk
Updated GNOME packages for SUSE LINUX: www.usr-local-bin.org
Latest SUSE News and Blogs: www.planetsuse.org

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