[Nottingham] Bibliographic software
lists at edgar.org.uk
Mon Sep 27 17:45:03 BST 2004
On Monday 27 September 2004 14:42, Martin wrote:
> Iain Moppett wrote:
> > Before you guys wax too lyrical about the joys of Tex, some of us
> > like the woolly clickyness of GUI - isn't Linux about choice? Besides
> > which, my supervisor is a Word addict, and we exchange ideas via the
> > comments / notes bits of Word /OOW. I'm sure someone must have a
> > GUI solution hidden away.
Just put my twopenoth in. Has anyone mentioned LyX yet? I've never used it
myself but it supposed to provide a GUI frontend to Latex.
Personally, I find Latex and emacs (using the auctex package for emacs) the
best combination. On the subject of latex books Lamport's book is much
recommended but is absolutely awful in my opinion. (I think he must sit on a
lot of funding committee's and noone wants to offend him.) Kopka and Daly's
'A Guide to Latex' is much better.
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