[Nottingham] Planet NottsLUG

Duncan John Fyfe djf at star.le.ac.uk
Wed Aug 10 12:44:24 BST 2005

On Wed, 2005-08-10 at 11:44 +0100, Roger Light wrote:
> > > So far, the two demi-talks get it (databases?
> >
> > Fine with me.
> Any chance of more details for the website and the curious? 


Not so long ago in a Lugmeet not far away a riddler did pose these
questions three...

	1) What is a database ?
	2) Why or when should I use a database ?
	3) How do I use a database ?

and I'm going to answer them with this introductory who where what why
when of databases and how to access them from your
C/PERL/Python/PHP/COBOL ...... code.

Have fun,

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