[Nottingham] Anti-v (and kmail address book)

Martin martin at ml1.co.uk
Thu Aug 18 12:57:13 BST 2005

David Wolfson wrote:
 > A n t i - v:

As already posted by others, likewise I'm very relaxed about the malware 
threat to Linux. Whereas, Microsoft is a never ending user nightmare. A 
_lot_ of time is wasted on the MS stuff with all the anti-v and 
anti-everything else stuff that is /required/.

For the sake of paranoia on the Linux systems, I run chkrootkit and also 
have the firewall (shorewall, iptables) restricted to only pass traffic 
that is /expected/.

Aside: There's a lot of web pages now trying to access all manner of 
random ports when being viewed... The pages look unaffected despite that 
stuff getting blocked.

Good luck,

(ps: Just the v-word seems to be enough to trip the mailserver anti-spam!)

Martin Lomas
martin at ml1.co.uk

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