[Nottingham] Re: NLUG Website revamp (Was: Databases; 2: SCM)

David Aldred david at familyaldred.org.uk
Tue Aug 23 21:56:14 BST 2005

On Tuesday 23 Aug 2005 21:12, Martin wrote:
> David Aldred wrote:
> > On Tuesday 23 Aug 2005 20:21, Martin wrote:
> >>Any volunteers for website hackings??
> >
> > I've volunteered a couple of times but no-one responded!
> Sorry, we've not seen you at a meeting to discuss what ideas people
> want. (And I guess not had a Beeston meetup for a long time.)
> Thanks, yes, we do want some help and I'm keen for this to be a
> multi-member effort (rather than just Roger and myself add-hoc hacking).
> We have had a brief run-down of html hacking, Wiki, or CMS. The general
> view was to either have a morphed -> NLUG wiki with edit access
> restricted to people whom are known, or hack a CMS system.
> Other's thoughts?

Depends exactly what needs to be on the site!

Seems to me we need a diary, a general descriptive page, and areas for 
discussion / ideas / tips.   Then there were those book reviews (what 
happened to the books?).

Some of these seem to fit well with a wiki, others perhaps less well.   

David Aldred

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