[Nottingham] Vhosts problem

Robert Ross rross at dmu.ac.uk
Wed Feb 9 11:46:39 GMT 2005

Hi everyone,

Got it cracked.  The guy who runs our DNS was the one who sorted it.  If you
are interested, here is the solution...

In Suse the virtual hosts are set outside of the httpd.conf file and the
listen port is also in a different place. 

Taking the listen.conf file first, the mans mentioned that the <listen *:80>
line should be uncommented.  I did this and it still didn't work, although
for the sake of consistency I had also changed all the virtual host files to
<VirtualHost *:80>.  The line <NameVirtualHost 123.456.789.000> (the servers
dedicated IP address) was added to the listen.conf file and also amended the
virtual hosts files to read as their host names, so they looked something
like: <VirtualHost joe.bloggs.co.uk> and it worked!  Hurrah.

Having read a number of mans on this subject, as well as googling I can say
that most of the information I found said to retain the same format within
the listen file and the vhosts file, and in my case this was wrong.
Apparently, Apache2 uses *:80 as a 'new function' that simplifies things,
yeah :-)  Sometimes consistency doesn't help.

I know this may not work on other systems, but it works for me and if anyone
has a problem at least it will give them something to try.

Now to sort out the MySQL databases...

Robb (v.happy bunny)

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