[Nottingham] [Talk] *** Today *** WED 16/02/2005

Martin martin at ml1.co.uk
Wed Feb 16 21:19:17 GMT 2005


The usual reminder:

>> NLUG Meetup, Wed 16/02/2005, 19:30
>> A three part evening of two talks:

1: A Story of an Impromptu(x) Hardware & OS Upgrade (!)
by Martin Lomas

 >> All things considered, this is going to be a good giggle for the
 >> newbies while the geekies can tell me where I got my wires crossed!

2: Linuxing Snippets
by Michael Erskine

>> followed by:
>> 3: Beer and further discussions at the Newshouse.

> The talks are at our usual venue:
> 19:30 - 20:30, Doors open 19:15
> Broadway Business Centre
> 32a Stoney Street
> http://www.mapquest.com/maps/map.adp?ovi=1&zoom=9&mapdata=OE4WNszgW9zQehQ9QTvualAwkN2c59e%2frac0oJklOWu4NQ%2fpmd25mwwib4Vv2fs4TocQdJYKvTjxnfVf0a3mpJHDqIL2tzzFIFcUfdcLGCiFHJ8Zx4l2evPf4ttokzQiBg3w7dOV%2f3%2bctZW%2fX92HfpBbjKdrxjmEQvfdR4G9Sgb09A0KSA1BNVe%2f2iX4j6E%2fuTS0u7mgRmevCBZ1z5NuW2eq5MFBHYWR1AC56mtEMyB35%2bOsxrjDHg4n67QvHuy5O2UE7R6984F6ZaPjvbYAr6Ptrw%2fDPYJK6Rk2QlWqgytIqUdfsiB32XnAYCyOCPWLtOIlxDBWThggJw8IzTAeAyWeCY9ex1LbRDVl3Ky1U9Fl%2fMn3zY8o1DHxptXp4aII%2f92BxMtGOQwjlmsX2WXjRA%3d%3d 
> Just down from the Adams Building and NCP car park, entrance next to 
> Kayes Walk (St Mary's Church).
> Press the Reception buzzer on the door.
> And afterwards (21:00 ish by the time we get out the door), we take 
> refuge at The Newshouse just over the cliff for beer(s) and real ale...
> http://www.multimap.com/map/browse.cgi?client=public&db=pc&lang=&addr1=&client=public&addr2=&advanced=&addr3=&pc=NG17HB&quicksearch=NG1+7HB&cidr_client=none 
> http://www.nottingham.lug.org.uk/
> (Refresh your caches!)


Martin Lomas
martin at ml1.co.uk

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