[Nottingham] Re: [Talk] --- Today --- VENUE CHANGE --- WED 16/02/2005

Martin martin at ml1.co.uk
Thu Feb 17 15:51:03 GMT 2005

Michael Erskine wrote:
> How's MailMan this morning?

Looks like various postings from the last few days are dribbling 
through, after the event (:-O)

> Some followup on last night's meeting: -
> * thanks to the Derby LUG members for doubling our number

As discussed, we'll have to go over for a reciprocal meet.

> * the "Daily Gold" is a good pint and I have no discernable hangover

I certainly slept well also. Nice stuff. Must give the bar-billiards 
table there a try next time.

Aside: Anyone know when the Roebuck is going fully smoke-free? Any 
interest on giving it a visit upon its reincarnation?

> * get well soon to Alex

Cheers all,

Martin Lomas
martin at ml1.co.uk

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