[Nottingham] Winmodem support

Hussein Jodiyawalla hussein at mightymouse.net
Wed Jan 12 12:35:16 GMT 2005

On 11 Jan 2005, at 22:31, Tim Emanuel wrote:

> How far advanced is support for software modems these days? Is it at
> the point where if I install a recent mainstream distro onto a machine
> containing a random Winmodem from >1year ago it will probably identify
> it and set it up automatically?

See here: http://www.linuxant.com/drivers/hsf/index.php

I think these are among the few types of software modems that do work, 
luckily they are also very common.  On Gentoo you can 'emerge 
hsflinmodem', run 'hsfconfig' and /dev/modem and /dev/ttySHSF0 devices 
are automagically created for you.

I remember they did appear on my old Vaio laptop... whether it actually 
worked or not, who knows?

Hussein Jodiyawalla
mightymouse dot net

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