[Nottingham] Winmodem support

chris stones chris.stones at ntlworld.com
Fri Jan 21 13:27:51 GMT 2005

In a word... No.
if you are willing to pay, winmodems based on the Connexant chip work fine.

There's not much demand for winmodem drivers anymore, broadband has 
truely taken off.

the demand now is onto wireless network cards.

you would be better off getting a real modem, not only will linux 
support it, but you will get much better conectivity than those 
*pretend* modems / software modems / cheap lumps of crud.

Tim Emanuel wrote:

>How far advanced is support for software modems these days? Is it at
>the point where if I install a recent mainstream distro onto a machine
>containing a random Winmodem from >1year ago it will probably identify
>it and set it up automatically?
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