[Nottingham] WOW!! Check this out!

Matt Bunter matt.bunter at wanadoo.fr
Mon Jul 18 22:11:27 BST 2005

>>Still, it would have been handy when I was working in France and needed all
>>those graves and acutes to hand.
>Dead keys are fine on a UK keyboard, but I find typing on a French
>keyboard highly frustrating because the keys are almost in the right
>place but not quite.
>How do you cope, Matt? Are you a bilingual (?bidigital) typist?
I'm doing OK between my work (French) and home (UK) keyboards - even 
though I have to look at the keyboard when typing. The worst thing about 
French keyboards is having to hold the shift down for the numbers. This 
isn't too bad if one has the 'normal' keyboard with the numeric pad on 
the right hand side, but I now use a laptop and it really does annoy me 
sometimes. I use a spell checker for the accents, there are just too 
many rules about when to use é or è or à or a for me to remember. Lazy I 
know but our official language at work is bad-English so I can get away 
with a lot. Another stupidity is the use of the comma instead of a 
decimal - that really irks me !!

I recently was installing Oracle on some Sun boxes and had the pleasure 
of using a US keyboard for the first time. While writing a letter or 
documentation may not be that different, working with the shell is a new 
experience due to >, <, . , etc not being in the 'right' places.


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