[Nottingham] AGM - Candidates and How to Vote (email vote deadline 5pm)

Cam camilo at mesias.co.uk
Thu Jul 21 16:54:13 BST 2005


> It's time for Graeme's "NLUG Challenge of the Month":
> Produce a working NLUG Happy-O-Meter in the programming language of your 
> choice, as long as it's executable as a CGI and can be put on the website.
> It should process the mailing list archive once a day and produce a 
> result dependent on the number of negative instances of the words 
> "whinge", "deadline" and "vote" ;-)
> "Joker" words to push the meter upwards gladly received!

Alternatively - split the list into two, a content list and an 
administrative overhead list. Let people subscribe according to interest.

FWIW I have never been to the meetings (I rarely get to attend even in 
my local area due to commitments). Even so I joined a few local LUG 
mailing lists and have always considered the NLUG one to have a pretty 
good signal to noise ratio compared to its peers.


camilo at mesias.co.uk                                                 <--

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