[Nottingham] Seriously weird Apache permission problem

Phil Lakin phil.lakin at empics.com
Sat Jun 18 20:41:17 BST 2005

Hi James,

First thing I'd check would be the apache access log, and error log,
commonly found in /var/log/httpd/access_log and /var/log/httpd/error_log

It may be some problem with the uppercase filename in the first file ?
Or maybe some special rule to prevent access to files with BAK in them ?

The apache errorlog could be your friend in this situation,


On Sat, 2005-06-18 at 20:28 +0100, James Gibbon wrote:
> Hiya,
> I run a webserver here at home, and I'm getting a repeatable,
> yet, in another sense, unpredictable problem accessing images
> from it.
> This example seems to illustrate the problem quite nicely. I
> have two identical image files, one a copy of the other, with
> identical permissions, in the same directory.
>    [root at dino images]# ls -l *lifes*
>    -rw-r--r--  1 apache apache 11044 Jun 18 18:13 BAKlifeson.jpg
>    -rw-r--r--  1 apache apache 11044 Jun 18 18:42 lifeson.jpg
>    [root at dino images]#
> Attempting to browse the first of these files gives me the
> dreaded "Forbidden" message ("You don't have permission to
> access /images/BAKlifeson.jpg on this server") in my browser,
> firefox. However I can view the second quite normally.
> It's not a browser cache issue, or a browser issue at all: I
> get the same behaviour with wget:
>    dino:~> wget http://groover.kicks-ass.net/images/BAKlifeson.jpg
>    --20:17:47--  http://groover.kicks-ass.net/images/BAKlifeson.jpg
>               => `BAKlifeson.jpg'
>    Resolving groover.kicks-ass.net...
>    Connecting to groover.kicks-ass.net[]:80... connected.
>    HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 403 Forbidden
>    20:17:47 ERROR 403: Forbidden.
>    dino:~> wget http://groover.kicks-ass.net/images/lifeson.jpg
>    --20:17:56--  http://groover.kicks-ass.net/images/lifeson.jpg
>               => `lifeson.jpg'
>    Resolving groover.kicks-ass.net...
>    Connecting to groover.kicks-ass.net[]:80... connected.
>    HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
>    Length: 11,044 [image/jpeg]
>    100%[====================================>] 11,044        --.--K/s             
>    20:17:56 (47.87 MB/s) - `lifeson.jpg' saved [11,044/11,044]
>    dino:~> 
> I'm running Apache 2.0.54 under Fedora Core 4.
> Anyone seen anything similar, or have any clues? I'm stumped.
> James

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