[Nottingham] Local server

Simon Amor simon at leaky.org
Sun Jun 26 22:41:57 BST 2005

On 26 Jun 2005, at 21:57, David Aldred wrote:
> POP mail (collecting mail from my ISP, with spam and virus  
> filtering, and
> sending any mail generated from the A via the ISP) looks more  
> complex - I've
> found several HOWTOs of varying ages, most of which are very involved.

Would you be collecting multiple users email from a single popbox or  
from multiple popboxes?
Either way, fetchmail should work for fetching it but you will need  
to alter the configuration slightly depending on the answer to the  
previous question. Configure exim on the server to virus scan the  
emails and in theory, fetchmail will attempt to deliver it via SMTP  
whereupon it's scanned.

If users are sending through the local server, it should help prevent  
the LAN being a source of viruses. You could even use iptables to  
transparently force smtp connections to go to the local server in  
case any malware attempts to relay through somewhere else.

The anti-virus software I've been using is clamav. There's a package  
for Fedora, add this to your sources file (/etc/sysconfig/rhn/ 
sources) if that's what you're using.

# Clam AV
yum crashhat http://crash.fce.vutbr.cz/crash-hat/3/

Spamassassin can be hooked into the most recent versions of exim4 so  
that it filters all mail and rejects at SMTP time anything with a  
high score. Whether you want to be rejecting mail at a low threshold  
or a high threshold is a matter of personal preference and also how  
many people would get email from the server. It might even be best to  
simply scan the email and add a header saying how many points it gets  
and let the clients filter it accordingly.

If you need sample configs for exim4+clamav then just shout.

Simon Amor
simon at leaky.org

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