[Nottingham] Re: Making PCs from parts

Robert Hart enxrah at nottingham.ac.uk
Thu Mar 24 10:39:51 GMT 2005

On Wed, 2005-03-23 at 20:30 +0000, Simon Osborne wrote:
> On Wed, 23 Mar 2005 19:42:28 +0000, David Aldred
> <david at familyaldred.org.uk> wrote:
> > On Wednesday 23 Mar 2005 17:52, Simon Osborne wrote:
> > > For local, Web-Systems in Bulwell http://www.web-systems.co.uk
> > 
> > More than one person have recommended them: does anyone know if they are
> > Linux-savvy?  That is, if I wer to buy a PC from them and ask whether it's
> > all Linux-compatible, would they know, or do I need to get the full gory
> > details of each component and check first?
> You would probably have to check but to be honest most of the stuff
> will work. You won't have any problems with CPU or RAM. Some
> motherboards are better under Linux than others. And a rule that
> nVidia based cards are OK, ATI ones are awful in Linux.

Of course everybody has their own definition of "linux-compatible" so
it's best to check it meets *your* definition. I once bought a cheap
PCMCIA wireless NIC, which listed "Red Hat Linux" (and listed some
version numbers) as supported operating systems. Turned out to be a
binary only driver that only worked with some *very specific* kernels.

I've previously owned other wireless NICs that made no mention of any
linux support and have worked flawlessly.

Robert Hart <enxrah at nottingham.ac.uk>
University of Nottingham

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