[Nottingham] 800+ MB CD-R solution

Tony Shaw tony at shaw5336.freeserve.co.uk
Sun May 1 17:15:20 BST 2005

Hello to one and all,

Just thought I would let you know that after trying to burn information 
on to an 800MB CD-R (that a got from Maplin for £11.99 for ten) via K3B 
with out any luck (K3B see the disc's as only 10MB CD's.)

I downloaded 'NeroLinux' via LimeWire, and then after installing it I 
found that I needed to get a nero Bindows version Serial Number. Which I 
go from http://serialnews.com (S/N: 1A23-0609-9130-2313-1682-5231) then 
I tried to burn the information to an 800MB CD, I found out that 
NeroLinux correctly identified the CD format and allowed me to burn the 
infomation correctly with out any problems.

So you can burn info to an 800MB CD, note NeroLinux see the disc's as 825MB.

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