[Nottingham] Response on awareness day

Alan Pope alan.pope at gmail.com
Thu Nov 3 16:38:43 GMT 2005

On 03/11/05, Matthew Walster <matthew at walster.org> wrote:
> On Thursday 03 November 2005 11:57, Steve Dickman wrote:
> > - it needs to be user friendly (from a Windoze user perspective - sorry)
> > - it needs better configuration tools (although I can use vi and edit
> > rc scripts - sad but true) I don't want users doing it.
> > - it needs mainstream support (that is perceived to be cheaper) and I
> > understand the arguments about Windoze techies being rubbish etc it's
> > a perception thing. Also I find it difficult to see customers posting
> > to LUG forums for answers to mission critical issues.
> > - we have to emulate existing applications - not replace them, again
> > sorry but I have found no-one able or willing to assess 20 opensource
> > packages in order to change from Sage or Quickbooks.
> So, what we need to do is collar someone who uses Windows, has no interest in
> computer (and especially Linux) and sit them down in front of (say,) an
> Ubuntu box, and make a list of the questions they ask - like "how do I open
> word"?

Been done by Novell [1] with SuSe. They have videos [2] of the activity.


[1] http://www.betterdesktop.org/welcome/
[2] http://www.betterdesktop.org/welcome/index.php?q=data

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