[Nottingham] RedHat 9 Upgrade
Mike Haber
Mike.Haber at nottingham.ac.uk
Thu Oct 6 10:25:42 BST 2005
Morning all,
Hope it was a good meet last night.
I've inherited a server running RedHat 9 that I'd like to upgrade. I could just put debian on it, but that may involve more work than I'd like at the moment to ensure the new version works exactly the same as the old one.
So what's the best way to update this server? I'm just bothered about it being secure rather than bleeding edge, and I'm not totally current with the red hat way of doing things.
I could put the fedora cd's in, reboot and do an upgrade.
Or I could set up some apt-type thing and do an apt-upgrade. (But which one (yum)?
I could download rh9 rpms of the out of date packages and manually put them on.
Any thoughts?
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