[Nottingham] [Talk] ***TODAY*** Wed 19/10/2005 Voice over IP {ML}

Michael Erskine msemtd at yahoo.co.uk
Wed Oct 19 15:19:02 BST 2005

On Wednesday 19 October 2005 14:50, Martin wrote:
> They have real ale! (Shame I'll very likely be driving = not drinking :-( )

I've just been offered a lift so I can entertain the designated drivers with 
my drunken tomfoolery.

(Scene: pub at closing time)
ME: "Did I mention that I used to be a breakdancer back in the eighties?"
DD: "Yes. Several times actually"
ME: "Here... look, I can still spin on my head..."
DD: "You're the wrong way up... and you're not spinning"
ME: "Oh! I don't feel well. I hope you don't mind if I vomit in your car"

OT: some Linux to raise the SNR (and keep _some_ people happy): I don't bother 
with "tail -f" anymore - I now use "less -S +F". In fact I alias lam='less -S 
+F /var/log/messages'. It allows me to stop the tail (C-c) and grep forwards, 
backwards, vi, you name it. Then to follow again, just use "F"

Michael Erskine.

Laugh at your problems; everybody else does.

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