[Nottingham] Broadband...

Colin Saxton colin.saxton at ntlworld.com
Fri Oct 28 20:09:54 BST 2005

Back again over the broadband issue...haven't yet implemented broadband
in our new offices...Can only get a BTADSL line (forget satellite) so I
have looked at two options...

1. Black cat (since someone here plugged it and I have since had a look
on their website...I think they sound more Linux friendly than most out

2. BT Business (But for obvious reasons I am kind of backing away from
this unless someone can give a quick howto on setup of Linux IPCOP with
BT broadband! - I have a feeling that the setup won't be straight

Has anyone got any ideas on what modem to buy given that I will be going
with one of the above? (With IPCOP firewall installed on some crummy 586
I have got in the corner of the garage!). I don't want to go with some
off the shelf router I prefer to use IPCOP/Smoothwall.


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