[Nottingham] SiS 6326 AGP intergrated Graphics card question

Tony Shaw tony at shaw5336.freeserve.co.uk
Mon Sep 5 01:11:16 BST 2005

Martin wrote:

> Tony Shaw wrote:
>> Can anyone tell me how to get my SiS 6326 8Mb AGP intergrated 
>> Graphics card to work via MDK 9.2. ---
> Why stay on 9.2 when there's a good few copies of Mandrive 10LE around 
> the group?
> Don't know if your hardware is supported but it would be worth 
> checking on the Mandriva site.
> Good luck,
> Martin
I happen to be still using MDK9.2 due to the fact that all the latest 
versions don't like my NTL Broadband Ethernet connection. I have also 
tried the latest versions of RedHat, Fedora, Ubuntu, Slackware & SUSE 
for some reason they also don't like the NTL connection either.

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