[Nottingham] Linux Home Recording (was LAN/Fix-it Party DAY Sun 9th Oct 2005)

Peter Chang Peter.Chang at nottingham.ac.uk
Mon Sep 26 18:03:55 BST 2005

On Mon, 26 Sep 2005, Spandex wrote:
> Well worth trying out Dynebolic (a live distro with *lots* of audio
> software) to see what you can and can't do on your current machine.
> Also runs on chipped Xbox apparently.

If you run a Redhat distribution, then Planet CCMRA is the way to go. It
layers over RH or FC and gives you ALSA, JACK and lots of audio and video
apps along with a specialised kernel (low latency / soft realtime /

Check out http://ccrma.stanford.edu/planetccrma/software/

Also there's Agnula (Demudi for Debian or ReHMuDi for RH), AudioSlack
(Slackware), Thac's RPMs and Turn-Key Linux Audio (Mandrake).


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