[Nottingham] NLUG Members WIKI
Michael Erskine
msemtd at yahoo.co.uk
Thu Apr 13 10:14:05 BST 2006
On Thursday 13 April 2006 09:29, paul at paulmellors.net wrote:
> I've noticed that the NLUG members WIKI
> [http://wiki.earth.li/NottLUGMembers] kindly provided by Simon Huggins has
> a lot of members with dead weblinks. Does anyone perform maintenance on
> this page? I don't mind going through the links and keeping the name but
> removing the link? Thoughts?
Paul, All,
I don't know if Huggy is too bothered about this particular wiki page is kept
up to date; Arguably it is up to all the individuals to keep their own
entries current (mine is!).
We haven't provided a wiki on nottingham.lug.org.uk for quite a few reasons
but mainly maintenance, however, there's been a fair bit of discussion on the
lugmasters list about providing a standardised wiki to all LUGs hosted at
lug.org.uk which would minimise duplicated effort. When/if this happens we
might want to move focus there.
My own holy-grail solution is to have a single NLUG membership where the
mailman password is used to authenticate for wiki/forums/what-have-you
(sheesh, that's crazy talk!)
Michael Erskine.
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-- Martin Mull
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