[Nottingham] Disable Ports

Peter Chang Peter.Chang at nottingham.ac.uk
Tue Aug 29 17:18:00 BST 2006


> It seems like someone is using my server to send out mail and I don't know 
> where to start the investigation.

Gulp! It sounds like you've bitten off more than you can chew. How do you
know that is the case?

> My server seems perfectly secure and I did change a few security
> issues today to tighten it up.

That's a very vague statement. Explain what you've done to ensure the
server is secure.

> How can I disable the port for sending mail out through my server.

Have you studied basic server and network admin?

> I would greatly appreciate your help.

Go back to basics, get on a course or two, hone your unix/linux skills
and understanding before letting yourself loose on the world of ICT.


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