[Nottingham] [Talk] Next Thurs 07/12/06 - LaTeX

Martin martin at ml1.co.uk
Fri Dec 8 13:45:32 GMT 2006

Martin wrote:
> Thurs	07/12/06:
> Navigation Talk Meet
> What is and how do you do LaTeX?
> Or how not to go square-eyed and random for typesetting and DTP. This is
> a must for anyone putting together anything more than a two page
> document! This is the killer app for all those whom loath the Microsoft
> clippy or have equal distaste for the OpenOffice distracting bloat!
> (Well: so says I!  :-)  )

Many thanks to Jonathan for a very good talk and for encouraging a lot
of audience participation!

So good in fact that there were calls for a "part 2" to show off the
examples he had, and to also include Dr Nickalls slides.

Hence, the Part 2 LaTeX will be at the same venue on Thursday 15/02/2007.

And beyond the 11th hour there was a brief debate on which is the more

WYSIWYG distraction as with OpenOffice Write and "DTP";

Or enjoying the freedom to concentrate on "just the text" and the
"structure" to then have LaTeX produce all the pretty printing later...

My views are biased but mixed on that count... As a programmer I much
prefer the LaTeX method for putting together a document. OO Write is
fine for a brief one or two pages.

Others' thoughts?


WYSIWYG is about as applicable in computers as it is in women...
- Anon

Recent Evolutionary Trends in Mainstream Computer Software
      WYSIWYG - What you see is what you get.
      WYSIWYD - What you see is what you desire.
      WYSINYD - What you see is not your document.
      NYSINYD - Now you see it, now you don't.
- Darius Davis

Martin Lomas
martin at ml1.co.uk

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