[Nottingham] Kylix 3 on Mandriva 2006?

Tony Shaw skullduggery141 at nsworld.com
Fri Dec 8 19:35:50 GMT 2006

Moppett Iain wrote:
> ...Can anyone out there shed some light on how to get Borland Kylix 3
> (free edition or Enterprise) to work on Mandriva 2006. I have tried to
> install both but when I try to run to the C++ or the Delphi IDE's all I
> get is a message about libc.so.6 not being the correct version or
> something along those lines. I have checked google and found a lot of
> patches for Kylix but I am unsure which one it install. ...
> I can't remember the answer, but I did get Kylix working with Mandrake
> 9.2 a while ago, having hit the same problem.  Have a look in the
> archive (
> http://mailman.lug.org.uk/pipermail/nottingham/2004-August/004154.html )
> as that's  how I got it going in the end.
> Hope that helps
> Iain
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Just to let you know I installed libstdc++2.10-2.96-0.83mdk (as 
suggested in the text that libstdc++2.10 was needed)  to see if that 
would, but still no joy at getting Kylix to run. I keep getting the 
following error message when I try to start the c++ or delphi parts:

/usr/local/kylix3/bin/bcblin: relocation error: 
/usr/local/kylix3/bin/libwine.borland.so: symbol errno, version 
GLIBC_2.0 not defined in file libc.so.6 with link time reference

The above may help some one as it is of know use to me as I can not work 
out what it dam well means :-)

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